

梅·韦斯特,约翰·休斯顿,拉蔻儿·薇芝,雷克斯·里德,费拉·福赛特,罗杰·C·卡梅尔,Roger Herren,乔治·菲尔特,卡尔文·洛克哈特,吉姆·巴克斯,约翰·卡拉丁,安迪·德怀恩,格雷迪·萨顿,Robert P. Lieb,斯基普·沃德,凯瑟琳·弗里曼,汤姆·塞立克







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八一影视-热门电影,影视大全,vip热播剧在线观看(www.bayiysa.com)第一时间为您提供《迈拉布来金里治》的免费在线观看,迈拉布来金里治是由 迈克尔·萨恩导演,梅·韦斯特,约翰·休斯顿,拉蔻儿·薇芝,雷克斯·里德,费拉·福赛特,罗杰·C·卡梅尔,Roger Herren,乔治·菲尔特,卡尔文·洛克哈特,吉姆·巴克斯,约翰·卡拉丁,安迪·德怀恩,格雷迪·萨顿,Robert P. Lieb,斯基普·沃德,凯瑟琳·弗里曼,汤姆·塞立克等领衔主演,本片(剧)上映于 1970,对白语言为 英语,属于 喜剧,倫理片 类型, 敬请知悉。最后,祝您观影愉快!以下为剧情简介:

  Myron Breckinridge is waiting for his sex-change operation while a stoned surgeon stumbles into the operating room. Before the drugged doctor begins Myron's operation, he counsels him. Myron persists and the doctor goes through with it. An enthusiastic audience observing the operation applauds the medical achievement and rises in a standing ovation. After the operation, Myron arrives in Hollywood as Myra while in the rest of the film Myron pops up from time to time as Myra's alter ego. Myra goes to an acting academy owned by her uncle, Buck Loner, a former cowboy star. The real reason for Myra's arrival is to claim her half of Uncle Buck's estate, which she says she's entitled to. Buck Loner stalls by giving her a job teaching the history of motion pictures. Buck Loner has several friends. One of them is Letitia Van Allen, an ancient Hollywood talent scout. The sex-starved septuagenarian runs an acting agency "for leading men only.".

更新时间:2024-01-24 / 热度: 6015°C